Condo owners along Toronto’s waterfront want their own riding
As I am sure not many people know, the Ontario panel of the federal boundaries commission at Elections Canada is redrawing the electoral map across Canada. Ontario is slated for 15 new ridings in the next election, with many of them located in the ever-expanding City of Toronto.
Toronto Time-lapse
Toronto from an amazing time-lapse perspective. Enjoy!
What you need to know about the housing bubble
Giving thanks to tighter banking regulations and lending standards, Canada has been able to sidestep out of control housing prices.
Making Your Neighbourhood Great
We all know the “location, location, location” adage. Its part of what buying real estate is all about. But, what actually makes a location great? According to Jay Walljasper, author of The Great Neighborhood Book, a great neighbourhood is about community. It’s about knowing your neighbours, feeling safe, and having pleasant spaces to be together.